I really want to say James Stewart, because I just think he's awesome.
James Stewart came to Answer looking to make a change where he could have an influence on the look, fit and performance of his race gear.
Lawyers around the world are watching with interest-especially, notes James Stewart of Manches, a law firm, if they are involved in helping rich people manage their money.
The ensemble action extravaganza includes James McAvoy (Wanted) as Professor Xavier (previously portrayed by Patrick Stewart).
Some environmentalists retain their antipathy to it, but green gurus such as James Lovelock, Stewart Brand and Patrick Moore have changed their minds and embraced it.
"People want to know if he's bald, or if he's in a wheelchair," says James McAvoy, taking on the Charles Xavier role from Patrick Stewart.
"People want to know if he's bald, or if he's in a wheelchair," says James McAvoy, taking on the Charles Xavier role from Patrick Stewart.