US scientist Jared Diamond believes that the Rapanui people—descendants of Polynesian settlers—wrecked their own environment.
In his book Collapse, Jared Diamond shows how ecological crisis is often the prelude to social catatrosphe(6).
“I still get e-mails from Amazon recommending books based on the Jared Diamond titles I bought three years ago, ” he said.
“我仍然收到亚马逊给我推荐书的email,就因为三年前我曾买过一本杰瑞戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)的科普小书。”他说。
Jared Diamond argues in his 1992 book, the Third Chimpanzee, that these ugly behaviors have stayed with us as our common ancestor divided into chimp and human lineages seven million years ago.
Jared Diamond argues in his 1992 book, the Third Chimpanzee, that these ugly behaviors have stayed with us as our common ancestor divided into chimp and human line ages seven million years ago.
Jared Diamond argues in his 1992 book, the Third Chimpanzee, that these ugly behaviors have stayed with us as our common ancestor divided into chimp and human line ages seven million years ago.