Jean Piaget noticed how one child solved the problem of opening the lid of a box only when it opened its mouth.
The backdrop to today's research on kids and advertising is the cognitive theory put forward over 70 years ago by the famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget.
In one famous case, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget had vivid memories of being kidnapped at age 2 in Paris, complete with the kidnappers scratching his nurse's face.
一个知名的案例是,瑞士心理学家皮亚杰(Jean Piaget)有着两岁时在巴黎被绑架的生动记忆,还记得他的保姆被绑架者划伤了脸。
At the heart of imitation is understanding the difference between yourself and others - something that famous Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget thought didn't emerge immediately in infants.
模仿的核心是理解自己和他人的区别——瑞士著名心理学家Jean Piaget(皮亚杰)认为对于婴儿来说,这并不是很快就能做到的。
At the heart of imitation is understanding the difference between yourself and others - something that famous Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget thought didn't emerge immediately in infants.
模仿的核心是理解自己和他人的区别——瑞士著名心理学家Jean Piaget(皮亚杰)认为对于婴儿来说,这并不是很快就能做到的。