At a press conference in Chicago in 1988, Jesse Jackson declared that "African American" was the term to embrace.
Maxine was a smart, tough politician who had endorsed me early, despite her long friendship with Jesse Jackson.
Jesse Jackson practically moved to New York to help Brown.
That's how Jesse Jackson saw it, too.
And Jesse Jackson junior, a Congressman, apparently knew that his fund-raising friends had discussed raising cash for Mr Blagojevich in exchange for appointing Mr Jackson to the Senate.
The reporter hadn't mentioned Jesse Jackson, but Mr. Clinton somehow felt it apposite to refer to him anyway.
The tour ended in Chicago with Jesse Jackson and Speaker Hastert, who had decided to support the initiative.
And then finally I got advice from a man that I respect a lot the Reverend Jesse Jackson called me.
Ebony magazine ran an article last year asking "Does the Rev." Jesse Jackson still matter?
Imagine if Mitt Romney had made the Jesse Jackson comparison.
试想一下,如果米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)同杰西·杰克逊做些比较。
Supporters of the bill were there too. Jesse Jackson - a veteran of the civil rights movement - stood in the shadow of the Capital as a witness to history.
Albert Gore Jr. apparently ready to fall by the wayside - he can focus on Jesse Jackson one-on-one.
The Reverend Jesse Jackson was concerned that younger black people, who did not live through times before the civil rights movement, might not see racism when it was in front of them.
"These are profound tendencies which strike at the middle class as well as the poor, at whites as well as people of color" (Jesse Jackson).
Jesse Jackson once said, "Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up."
Jesse Jackson's style may work for him, but you are not Jesse Jackson.
These are profound tendencies which strike at the middle class as well as the poor, at whites as well as people of color (Jesse Jackson).
这些事态无论对中产阶级还是穷人,无论对白人还是有色人种都是一个打击(杰西 杰克逊)。
No, they are going to vote for him because they believe in him, I did not vote for Jesse Jackson because I really did not believe in him.
And then finally I got advice from a man that I respect a lot the 7 Reverend Jesse Jackson called me.
And then finally I got advice from a man that I respect a lot the 7 Reverend Jesse Jackson called me.