Throughout this 15-year ordeal, Japan has struggled with the difficult issue of what to jettison and what to cling on to.
The testing, which began in June 2007, put the MALD through a series of flight profiles including jettison and powered flight tests from both F-16 and B-52 aircraft.
But road safety experts say they should jettison the chunky wide-armed variety of sunglasses worn by Kylie Minogue, Paris Hilton and Victoria Beckham - as well as those with pink or very dark lenses.
In the growing national push to improve school lunches, reformers typically start with the food - revamping menus to boost whole grains and jettison cookies.
And yet - assuming he is not planning to jettison the source material altogether - the Great Gatsby Problem is not going away.
The problem, he explained, was that an acceptable new process has yet to be put in place, and until one is, it would be impractical to jettison the old system.
Near-bankruptcy is causing Cuba to jettison the Utopian paternalism of Che and Fidel. The future involves hard work for higher, but still-paltry, wages.
Jettison the technique and simply arrive into your mastery.
Should NASA jettison the shuttle and station right away?
We don't know how to deal with the inferiority and jettison to others.
Once within closing distance of enemy starfighters, the tri-fighter would jettison its booster and continue with an accelerated attack.
Each hopes to jettison the other and form a coalition with a like-minded smaller partner.
My own opinion is that the American research workers were unduly sanguine in expecting women to jettison guilt and overcome their feelings of loss - the grief response - within just a month.
The two ends of the cord-like object are respectively fixed on one side of the rolling part and the jettison device.
The jettison device is a spring. The utility model has the advantage of reducing the subpressure loss of the vacuum in the process of perforation, and saving energy.
The jettison device is a spring. The utility model has the advantage of reducing the subpressure loss of the vacuum in the process of perforation, and saving energy.