The authors would like to thank Jim Thorpe, the author of the ImportProject Ant task, for his help in making automated builds a possibility.
作者非常感谢ImportProjectAnt任务的作者Jim Thorpe,正是在他的帮助下自动构建才成为可能。
When we read of Jim Thorpe or of Colonel Ely Samuel Parker, we cannot tell from their names that they were Indians.
The Stockholm games are best remembered for a young native American named Jim Thorpe.
Many Native American children, including the athlete Jim Thorpe, were taken away from their tribe and sent to schools where they were not allowed to speak their own language.
Jim Thorpe was a hero after the 1912's Stockholm Olympicsand a sad, bewildered man not too much later.
The big fellow was Jim Thorpe, the greatest American athlete of modern times.
The big fellow was Jim Thorpe, the greatest American athlete of modern times.