The Lotus Sametime client USES a jitter buffer to save several packets before it plays back the packets.
A dynamic jitter buffer is software-based and can be configured by the network administrator to adapt to changes in the network's delay.
The purpose of a jitter buffer is to reorder packets and buffer them long enough (but no longer than necessary) so they can be sent to be decoded.
The Lotus Sametime client uses what is referred to as jitter buffer management to compensate for any delays that occur in audio transmissions caused by network congestion and disruptions.
LotusSametime客户机使用所谓的抖动缓冲管理(jitter buffer management)补偿因网络拥塞和中断导致的音频传输延迟。
The analysis shows that although loss probability decreases through expanding buffer capacity, delay and delay jitter increase, whose effect on QOS will not be negligible.
A formula for calculating receiving buffer length was proposed, based on the analysis and research on network parameters, such as jitter, average speed and packet loss fraction.
The player can play streaming media fluently by using similar cycle link Table-data buffer technology, because data buffer can decrease the influence of delay jitter.
The player can play streaming media fluently by using similar cycle link Table-data buffer technology, because data buffer can decrease the influence of delay jitter.