As vice president Joe Biden learned on his recent visit to a Beijing restaurant, nary a part of the hog is wasted.
God may have taken away Bush, but by golly, he gave us Joe Biden.
Joe Biden said something interesting in an interview, just this weekend.
Those Joe Biden shoulder massages — they're like magic. You should try one.
Then the little boy turned to Joe Biden and said, "I know why people hate you."
"Who among us understands what to do about Pakistan" Joe Biden asks a good question.
“WHO among us understands what to do about Pakistan?” Joe Biden asks a good question.
She worked in Bill Clinton's White House, and also briefly for then-Senator Joe Biden.
Contribute today to be a part of the historic Inauguration of Barack Obama and Joe Biden!
Obama's running mate, Senator Joe Biden, campaigned in a different part of Pennsylvania Friday.
The contrast with Mr Obama's choice of the highly experienced and much-vetted Joe Biden is striking.
To know Joe Biden is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard and to live life fully.
Old Washington hand, Senator Joe Biden, will face off against Republican and newcomer governor Sarah Palin in st.
U.S. senators John Kerry and Joe Biden were both in Pakistan to monitor the election and say the vote was credible.
Vice President Joe Biden, who favored a far more limited approach in Afghanistan than the one McChrystal advocated.
Obama was also asked about the recent comments of his vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware.
Old Washington hand, Senator Joe Biden, will face off against Republican and newcomer governor Sarah Palin in St. Louis.
In the next hundred days, I will learn to go off the prompter and Joe Biden will learn to stay on the prompter. (Laughter.)
Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden are kicking off a bus tour that will take them on a tour of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.
The Obama family and Vice President Joe Biden and his grandchildren watched from seats beside the stage, behind a clear protective shielding.
Sarah Palin’s sentences were not only longer than those of Joe Biden, her supposedly verbose rival, but were slightly longer than Mr Obama’s.
The Obama family and Vice President Joe Biden and his grandchildren watched from seats beside the stage, behind a clear protective shielding.
(Laughter.) Now, Joe Biden rightly deserves a lot of credit for convincing Arlen to make the switch, but Secretary Clinton actually had a lot to do with it too.
Apparently, last night, one person got up on stage and rambled on and on and didn't make any sense. And then, when Joe Biden was done, they started the poetry.
In what was hailed as one of Obama's best jokes from the 2015 White House Correspondents' Dinner, the president raved about those magic "Joe Biden shoulder massages. ""
In what was hailed as one of Obama's best jokes from the 2015 White House Correspondents' Dinner, the president raved about those magic "Joe Biden shoulder massages. ""