John Maynard Keynes had something similar in mind when he proposed an International Clearing Union.
John Maynard Keynes, a member of the British delegation in Paris, rightly argued that the Allies should have forgotten about reparations altogether.
THE credit crisis was kind to the reputation of John Maynard Keynes, whose scribbling s from over 70 years ago inspired practical men of action to fight the recession with uninhibited stimulus.
THE credit crisis was kind to the reputation of John Maynard Keynes, whose scribblings from over 70 years ago inspired practical men of action to fight the recession with uninhibited stimulus.
In 1930 John Maynard Keynes imagined that richer societies would become more leisured ones, liberated from toil to enjoy the finer things in life.
Macroeconomics dates from the book, the General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British economist John Maynard Keynes.
The gold standard — which John Maynard Keynes termed a “barbarous relic” — led to ruinous deflations.
For someone who's been dead for 65 years, John Maynard Keynes has amazing presence.
John Maynard Keynes made the exact same mistake in his lesser-known book A Treatise on Money.
Mr King once aspired to making central banking boring; John Maynard Keynes hoped economists might become humble technicians, like dentists.
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES (Economist) : There's a new danger of a serious rise of the cost of living.
In the long run we are all dead, as John Maynard Keynes memorably quipped, but humanity could at least get something out of it.
很久以后,我们都会死去,但是就如约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)所说的那样,人类至少能从中得到些什么。
John Maynard Keynes, writing in the 1930s, was in favour of making it costly to switch into and out of investments.
What is the source of that crazy optimism that John Maynard Keynes called “animal spirits”?
这种John Maynard称作“野兽精神”的疯狂乐观主义到底源自什么呢?
This was recognised by John Maynard Keynes, who in the 1940s argued for a global clearing bank that would tax or even confiscate the excess earnings of surplus countries.
凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)在20世界40年代就意识到这一点,他提议建立一个全球性清帐银行,其目的是对顺差国家收取税额甚至把顺差充公。
The economist John Maynard Keynes convincingly argued 70 years ago that thrift was no virtue during a recession.
约翰·梅纳德凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes) 70年前明确地指出,萧条时期的节俭并非美德。
John Maynard Keynes' "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" wasn't published until that year.
约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的大作《就业、利息和金钱的一般性理论The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money》也直到那一年才出版。
Faced with the uncertainties of life, John Maynard Keynes argued that businessmen rely on the convention that the "existing state of affairs will continue indefinitely".
The most instrumental personality of the Bretton Woods meeting was a British economist, John Maynard Keynes, whose vision of an orderly world monetary system came to fruition in the form of the IMF.
Then the fiscal conservatives led by Andrew Mellon and Irving Fisher were confronted by rebels led by John Maynard Keynes.
JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES: If we take the view that Germany must be kept impoverished and her children starved and crippled, vengeance, I dare predict, will not limp.
Instead, he pieced his views together in his essays, lectures and books, including one about John Maynard Keynes, the economist who most influenced his thinking.
That was perhaps the most important point John Maynard Keynes made.
The man who was destined to be Hayek's great intellectual rival was a brilliant young academic at Cambridge University. But John Maynard Keynes was much more than that.
China's preference: so-called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) -a blend of the dollar, pound, yen and euro-the IMF currency first conceived by John Maynard Keynes.
Schumpeter and John Maynard Keynes were two of the most admired economists of their time.
John Maynard Keynes used somewhat gnomic utterances in his General Theory.
John Maynard Keynes used somewhat gnomic utterances in his General Theory.