It took John Stuart Mill, writing in 1848, more than a century after the episode, to find the method in the madness.
The quote appears to be a paraphrase of John Stuart Mill, the 19th-century English philosopher of utilitarianism and liberty.
We wonder if, had some professors been on the platform, would they have paused to ponder how John Stuart Mill might have parsed the choices?
What makes the class so compelling is the way Sandel uses real-life examples to illustrate the philosophies of the likes of Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill.
In his classic defence of liberty, John Stuart Mill distinguished between offence and harm.
JOHN STUART MILL argued in the 19th century that an individual should be free to do as he pleased, so long as he did not harm anyone else.
Citing John Stuart Mill, they advocate rebalancing taxation away from earned income towards unproductive assets, notably the wealth generated by the long property boom.
Jamshed has never read John Stuart Mill or Ayn Rand.
The Facebook page cites philosophers like Machiavelli, Kant and John Stuart Mill.
"Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so" (John Stuart Mill).
John Stuart Mill the character of necessity ascribed to the truths of mathematics and even the peculiar certainly attributed to them is an illusion.
There is no such thing as absolute certainty, but there is assurance sufficient for the purposes of human life. (John Stuart Mill).
John Stuart Mill was an English utilitarian philosopher and social reformist in the 19th century.
Going back in time, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages.
Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume 7 and 8: a System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive.
This theory Utilitarianism was introduced by John Stuart Mill it also tends to promote productivity and efficiency.
IN THE grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys. Between them, they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism.
Until I was twenty-one, I wished to write more or less in the style John Stuart Mill.
The paradigm case of consequentialism is utilitarianism, whose classic proponents were Jeremy Bentham (1789), John Stuart Mill (1861), and Henry Sidgwick (1907).
John Stuart Mill, (20 May 1806-8 May 1873) was a British philosopher, political economist and civil servant.
约翰·穆勒(John Stuart Mill, 1806—1873),英国心理学家、哲学家和经济学家。
John Stuart Mill is a 19th century British writer and thinker with great influence upon his age as well as upon the modern society.
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, in the nineteenth century, were the chief proponents of this view.
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, in the nineteenth century, were the chief proponents of this view.