Abdelnour, who declined to comment on the joint-venture talks, was tapped to run JPMorgan's Asia-Pacific business in July 2006, six months after the firm started discussions with Bohai Securities.
Two at the top of a firm is a bit of a crowd: according to a survey in the Journal of Business & Economic Studies, having joint chief executives does nothing for a firm's share price.
Harvard Business School study shows that American companies that employ lots of ethnic Chinese people find it much easier to set up in China without a joint venture with a local firm.
You may be collaborating in a joint venture with another firm, or signing an agent, manager, publicist, or business partner, and if so, the agreement would turn out to be a win-win for all concerned.
You may be collaborating in a joint venture with another firm, or signing an agent, manager, publicist, or business partner, and if so, the agreement would turn out to be a win-win for all concerned.