All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint and several.
Liabilities for liquidation borne to the guarantor of the restructure enterprise or other joint debtor will not be affected by the restructure plan.
All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint several.
The right enjoyed by a creditor against the debtor's guarantor and all the joint-and-several debtors shall not be affected by the reorganization plan.
Where the customer is not the owner of the property shown on the provided property certificate, the property owner shall be the joint and several guarantor.
Article 50 Where a bill of exchange is guaranteed, the guarantor shall, together with the guarantee, undertake joint and several liability to the holder thereof.
Where the guaranteed party fails to perform the contract, the guarantor shall perform or be held with joint obligation in accordance with the agreement on the guaranty.
Article 51 Where the debtor's guarantor or any joint-and-several debtor has paid off the debts on behalf of the debtor, he may declare his claims on the basis of his right of recourse to the debtor.
Article 101 the right enjoyed by the creditor in favor of the compromise against the debtor's guarantor and joint-and-several debtors shall not be affected by the compromise agreement.
To this end, the team asked "guarantor of Joint," every day a "dynamic" combination, and from the two "Joint Protection" to people, "Joint Protection."
However, in practical work, they found "guarantor of Joint," a long time "partner" to their individual "guarantor of Joint," exist "nice guy" issue, would not achieve the role of security alerts.
However, in practical work, they found "guarantor of Joint," a long time "partner" to their individual "guarantor of Joint," exist "nice guy" issue, would not achieve the role of security alerts.