Jon Stewart: But it is interesting.
Jon Stewart: How Not to Do interviews.
Better, try to become the next Jon Stewart.
Jon Stewart: I'd really like this cast already.
Jon Stewart: Well, you're more Jeffersonian on this.
Jon Stewart: We have to make a quick call after the show.
Jon Stewart: we would be taken to jail if we print the money.
The Daily Show is a late night cable news program hosted by comedian Jon Stewart.
In fact, I'm issuing a new executive order: that Jon Stewart cannot leave the show.
实际上,我正在签署一项新的行政命令:就是囧司徒不能离开《每日秀》! !
That’s us,” jokes Oliver Welke, Germany’s version of Jon Stewart, an American comedian.
奥利弗•韦尔克(Oliver Welke)开玩笑说,他被誉为德国版的乔恩•斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)。 斯图尔特是一位美国喜剧演员。
Jon Stewart, on Palin accusing Obama of trying to create "death panels" that will kill her baby.
Jon Stewart: has anyone try to, you know, in what you would call your ideal, has that been tried?
The host, Jon Stewart, feigned shock at the resemblance between the Prime Minister and his fellow Scot.
Unit 2 Have you ever heard of Jon Stewart? He is currently one of the most popular comics on television.
Many of the edgier jokes, which brought the house down, were Jon Stewart-style barbs which made Leno look pedestrian.
THE television comedian Jon Stewart has a recurring segment entitled "Thank you, South Carolina" on his popular "Daily Show".
And you'll tweak the pricing, add support contracts, ship version 3.0, and get mentioned by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show and tada!
你再调整调整价格,加上客户支持合同,发布了3.0版,Jon Stewart[2]在他的每日脱口秀里提了你的大作。
Jon Stewart: what do you say if somebody says, "But what is the answer in the absence of any regulation or in the absence of any controlling entity?"
Her quick wit, in fluent English as well as French, even managed to win over Jon Stewart when she appeared on the Daily Show, bearing a French beret as a gift.
她的急智和与法语同样流利的英语,使她在上《每日秀》节目中时能与乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)一较高下,结果赢得一顶法国贝雷帽作为礼物。
"This is so exciting. The baby goes to … Angelina Jolie, " Jon Stewart said, opening a fake envelope as photos of Blanchett, Alba and Kidman flashed on the screen.
And though Angelina Jolie was nowhere to be found, hers got a big shout-out from host Jon Stewart, who noted the number of actresses who are expecting for several times.
Thee following segments of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which AIRS on Comedy Central television, demonstrate the satire, criticism, and humor in the host's commentaries.
Thee following segments of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which AIRS on Comedy Central television, demonstrate the satire, criticism, and humor in the host's commentaries.