My friends Charles Lyell and Joseph Hooker had studies by both men presented to the scientific group .
He wrote to his friend, botanist Joseph Hooker, that speaking about evolution "was like confessing a murder."
It had meager fresh water supplies, however, so Darwin and his botanist friend, Joseph Hooker, set out to change things.
这个岛上的淡水资源非常稀缺,然而也正因为稀缺,所以达尔文与他的植物学家朋友约瑟夫·胡克(Joseph Hooker)便着手改变这一状况。
Facing a numerically superior Union force of 130,000 men to 60,000 of their own, Lee and Jackson devised and executed a plan to rout the army of Union General Joseph Hooker (1814-79).
在人数上,他们以60,000对抗联邦军130,000人,李和杰克逊设计并实施了一个击溃约瑟夫·胡克(1814- 79)的计划。
Facing a numerically superior Union force of 130,000 men to 60,000 of their own, Lee and Jackson devised and executed a plan to rout the army of Union General Joseph Hooker (1814-79).
在人数上,他们以60,000对抗联邦军130,000人,李和杰克逊设计并实施了一个击溃约瑟夫·胡克(1814- 79)的计划。