Some people regard him as a hero, also some people regarded him as a man, he is a legend John doe. The atrocities of grazing, judicial corruption, no justice.
有人把他当做大英雄,也有人把他看做无耻之徒,他就是传奇男人约翰· 多伊。
We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
This article makes some useful discusses on certain level pointing at several knotty problems upon disputes of corruption crime in theory and puzzle of corruption crime in judicial practice.
Judicial Explanations and the Regulation of Procuratorial Powers: Take the Simultaneous Videotape of Corruption Cases as an Example, Chinese Prosecutors, No. 6, 2008.
《规范性文件与检察权的规范行使――以检察机关同步录音录像为例》, 《中国检察官》 2008年第6期。
Judicial Explanations and the Regulation of Procuratorial Powers: Take the Simultaneous Videotape of Corruption Cases as an Example, Chinese Prosecutors, No. 6, 2008.
《规范性文件与检察权的规范行使――以检察机关同步录音录像为例》, 《中国检察官》 2008年第6期。