Let's go back just a tiny bit.
Theo: Weren"t you just a tiny bit excited?"
And there might be just a tiny bit of added motivation, too.
Understanding cancer requires understanding the system in its proper context, not just a tiny bit of the problem.
If you are in a relationship, you will be even more amazed at the positive changes that just a tiny bit of information can cause.
Might it be just a tiny bit gross to own ten cars while others in your city are working double shifts to buy shoes for their children?
Mosquito: Person favourite make impractical saying, repeatedly speak to offer, I just absorbed them so just a tiny bit blood, they not stem.
That's because as the day goes on, water in the disks of the spine gets compressed (squeezed) due to gravity, making you just a tiny bit shorter.
On first seeing an iPhone, the casual observer notices almost immediately that it's just a tiny bit different from a traditional desktop browser.
See, we've noticed that, in some cases, you want to collect just a tiny bit of information from dozens, scores, or even hundreds of users or more.
So, dear Looking, I guess you could say that luck is a combination of being prepared, believing in yourself... and maybe just a tiny bit of magic!
So, dear Looking, I guess you could say that luck is a combination of being prepared, believing in yourself, … and maybe just a tiny bit of magic!
For example, I'm just a tiny bit freaked out by insects, spiders and the like, but I have no motivation to get rid of that fear because it's not relevant for me.
I just heat the system a tiny, tiny bit.
But her report this week at a big microbiology conference that just a tiny amount of Manuka honey seems to help fight MRSA - at least in a petri dish - is creating a bit of a buzz.
CAPTCHAs can be frustrating at times, but take solace in knowing that once entered correctly, you've just completed a tiny bit of community service.
Of course all toxins have doses, and just as a tiny bit of poison won't necessarily harm you, the more you eat or drink, the greater the danger.
Often a great name can make everything that follows, beginning with the design of the identity, fall into place just that tiny bit easier.
And then just through my skin a tiny bit, and then out the other side like this.
My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn't last a tiny bit longer.
My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn't last a tiny bit longer.