Africanized honeybees swarm toward an Ochroma flower just after sunset.
Just after sunset, the planets Mercury and Venus are visible quite near each other.
In fact, for the next two nights a young Moon can be spotted just after sunset.
Darken the room, or practice in the evening just after sunset so it's already dark.
The above image was taken just after sunset earlier this month from Ras Lanuf, Libya.
Just after sunset, they left the road to rest in an overgrown yard beside an old stone well.
I went out to the dirt road behind the house and shot this using a long exposure, just after sunset.
Known as the morning or evening star, Venus is visible just before sunrise or just after sunset.
The spectacular tail spreads across the sky and is visible to Southern Hemisphere observers just after sunset.
One of the 10 Scenes of the West Lake is "Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow", but this is best viewed from a distance just after sunset.
Just after sunset on Christmas Day, Jennifer Matthews plopped down in front of her computer and switched on the small Web camera atop the screen.
If the glow is seen coming up from the horizon just before sunrise or just after sunset, however, you might be seeing something called zodiacal light.
Pictured above, two bright points of light separated by only a few degrees drifted together across the sky above Lory State Park, Colorado, USA last week, just after sunset.
I arrived at greta's house today just after sunset. an ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door, it's red lights flashing. when i ran into the old house, greta recognized me right away.
What that means for you: a sunset stroll through the African tundra right after a full moon is probably a horrible, misguided idea. Just sayin'.
MATTHEW PERRY`S (Chanddler) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, written by the West Wing`s Aaron Sorkin, was also cancelled after just a single season.
MATTHEW PERRY'S (Chanddler) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, written by the West Wing's Aaron Sorkin, was also cancelled after just a single season.
MATTHEW PERRY'S (Chanddler) recent TV show Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, written by the West Wing's Aaron Sorkin, was also cancelled after just a single season.