Just like he says, we need to spend more money on educating our children.
I thought Mr.Claghorn's speech was right on the beam last night! Just like he says, we need to spend more money on educating our children. He makes a lot of sense to me.
"It is like having these open wounds—they are just a part of you," he says.
Just like Gates before him, Schmidt says he has no plans to change his company's trajectory in the face of regulatory challenges.
"What I like is that he goes completely outside the box-it's just a detail," he says.
"Conventional cattle raising is like mining, " he says. "It's unsustainable, because you're just taking without putting anything back.
Just like human beings at one point took steps to adapt to the Ice Age, we now have to adapt to this," he says, citing cuts to carbon emissions as one of the necessary adaptations.
"Ultimately, incandescent light bulbs will end up in a museum, just like vacuum tubes did for electronics," he says.
"They're just like the cowboys!" and don't care what others think, he says, underscoring his comments with expletives and affecting an American drawl.
“Like eating curry in India, ” he says. “It just tastes better with the hands.”
"If you talk to a lot of 20th century composers, they'll tend to tell you what we like is arbitrary and it's just determined by what we're used to hearing," he says.
He says while he knows it's good for him, he, like many of us, can't find the time. He's just too busy.
He's just asking you to believe he is who he says he is, believe you are who he says you are, and then live like you believe those things.
“Lord only knows there must have been a lot of faculty members that didn’t like me, but I never thought of it as personal, ” he says—just inescapable.
Just like an ocean crest, wine waves begin to break, turning frothy, if they're moving too quickly, he says.
"We took a hit in our industry just like everybody else," he says.
"It seems like just yesterday I was walking the kids down to the bus stop," he says, in that sort of dreamy, declamatory voice he sometimes USES.
"And I have empathy, too - but it's like it just stops," he says.
"People who tell me there is no God," he says, "are like a six-year-old boy saying that there is no such thing as passionate love-they just haven't experienced it."
As for the "flying" eyebrows, nine elder brother says he just love, like the eyebrows and his long hair match, sometimes he will draw point of makeup, but only painted eyeliner.
"Has he left us?" After a long silence, Feng finally says without move his eyes, just like speak to the air in front of him.
But his love affair with Alicia, he says, is' just like a movie.
In "la Roja", a history of Spanish football published just before this year's tournament Jimmy Burns says he "would like to believe that.".. the dynasty of la Roja could last a decade or more.
Just like he sit on the bench of the street and tell the pass by his legend story, he added three words to the front of each theory: my mother says.
Just like he sit on the bench of the street and tell the pass by his legend story, he added three words to the front of each theory: my mother says.