"In order to experience pride," Tracy says, "I need to think about who I am, who I want to be and how the event that's just happened reflects on me and my ambitions."
I just want to smile, this is my pride.
My care is just your eyes of the humble please, her smile instantly melted all your pride.
I'm sorry. I know it's my fault, but it's just really hard to put my pride aside and admit that to you.
Let's just say my pride had the flu, okay, Chuck?
I'm just drunk enough to let got of my pain To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain From my eyes Tonight I wanna cry Would it help if I turned a sad song on "All …"
今夜又独自一人在家我开着电视,那无关痛痒的声音以及瓶酒还有那贴满四壁我俩的相片就这样它溢上了我的心头 我永远都无法忘记离我而去的你我从未曾有过这样…
I know it's my fault, but it's just really hard to put my pride aside and admit that to you.
I know it's my fault, but it's just really hard to put my pride aside and admit that to you.