When driving in a car on a hot summer day, you may see what looks like shimmering water on the road, which, as science tells us, is really just a mirage, an illusion caused by the heating of the air.
Just walk down this road and you'll see the museum on your right.
"The zero-waste lifestyle is not for ascetics. It is just around us." Chen expects some of her friends to join her on the road to zero waste.
At a distance it just looks like a marking on the road but when the car is 30 metres away it appears to suddenly rise up from the road.
But even with all this funding, a million EVs on the road by 2015 May still be just a pipe dream.
Men compete with each other on the road - women just happen to be there at the time.
"Most people don't realize how many animals die on the road every day - they just don't see it," he said.
Just get the artics on the road.
While some people may get lucky and just happen to wind up on the road to success, others do not, and their lack of planning leads to a dead-end job.
Just four more blocks and we waited side by side for the traffic to subside before crossing the street to the dirt road our house was on.
Obligation: I have to spend the next week on the road because my boss just called.
Now, if we have any doubts that on the Road is mythic in itself, I just want to show you quickly two things. In 2007, on the Road had its fiftieth anniversary of publication.
James from Enfield: Last night on the way down the A10 road I saw a young boy with a TV bigger than him, just casually walking and there were police with dogs right behind them.
Great, just one more thing drivers need to be distracted by on the road.
As we reached the area on the dirt road where the trees closed in around us I saw something just outside the glow of our high beams.
Just like your friends influence your spending at home, they can pressure you to spend or save on the road.
Just like the Cat was trying to tell Alice, which road you take depends a great deal on where you want to end up.
He is among the slowest and most deliberate eaters I know, and there is something about his determination at the table that is reminiscent of his determination on the road: he just doesn't stop.
It was just after midnight when Mike Hubbard, on his usual bus route, noticed a mysterious shape wriggling on the road up ahead.
Although the presentation is just an academic exercise, several rocket-crew alums go on to work for NASA, which has its Marshall Space Flight Center just down the road from UAH.
On the road, one just came to this world a rabbit asked her mother: "Mom, we want to go Where are going?
The belief that people can work just fine from home or on the road was especially pervasive in Asia and Latin America.
As I remember all the big meetings and conferences I've attended, it's incredible just how few travelers stay active on the road.
And you get that reinforced on the very next page if you just skip over about a page from there: "a black pickup truck turned off a side road in front of him."
Doesn't sound like something you'd want to be doing every day, but when you find your eyelids drooping on a long road trip or something along those lines, a caffeine nap might be just the ticket.
She’s more frugal than I am, and she’s great at checking my impulse to spend excessively just because I’m on the road.
This is not exactly just what the women do while the boys are out on the road. The boys want the pie.
It’s great to have a spell checking solution implemented entirely on the client side, so that, down the road, it’ll work just as well when we support disconnected use.
This diffuses the shock of your foot hitting the road throughout your whole body, rather than just depending on the feet and knees to absorb it on their own.
This diffuses the shock of your foot hitting the road throughout your whole body, rather than just depending on the feet and knees to absorb it on their own.