Just something about you and her having mutual interests.
"Can I just say something about the game on Saturday?"—"Yes, of course you can."
Just think about the last time you used your own money to do something for someone else.
I just want you to think about something.
You can read more about these things and you might not just learn something, but develop a real interest.
So when you talk about your weaknesses, just talk something on the very positive side.
No matter how you shoot it or cut it, you will bring something of yourself into your movies, just as the old saying goes about everything being imprinted with ideology.
Used when there is nothing good to say about something you just ate.
When I'm buying something, like a camera or what, I'll just go on Amazon first and read the news, but what other staff you talked before about the areas you get into.
If you feel depressed, it's best to do something about it - depression doesn't just go away on its own.
Sometimes, I'll just tweet about myself or if I make a mistake I'll share it. Something to learn from, you know.
Even if you don't know exactly what you want-just something, anything about R. kelly-ask's interface still wins out.
即使你并不确知你想要什么——只是一些任何与R . Kelly有关的结果——ask的操作界面仍然会技高一筹。
All it says is something along the lines of "I was thinking about you just now."
Advertising is just not about selling you something.
If you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged, or just neglected, do something about it right now.
References are something you should think about at the beginning of your interview process and not just at the end when you are under immediate pressure to provide them.
You don't just need something you want to talk about, you have to figure out how to get it out there.
You know, everybody has something great about them, sometimes we just do not know what it is.
If you really just want to "vent" about something, let your boyfriend or husband know that in advance so that he knows not to interrupt with solutions to your problem.
"Gut feeling" is not just a euphemism. Tension in the abdomen speaks volumes about how you truly feel about something, beyond all arguments and rationales.
Did it really derail your job search or is it just something you feel badly about?
Did it really derail your job search or is it just something you feel badly about?
There are even two "undo" options: undo the last change, which will bring you to the record that was just undone, and undo all changes (if you have completely changed your mind about something).
Even just telling your parents about what you struggle with and what you are overcoming releases something in you.
A to-do list is also a good way to battle overwhelm: you won't be worrying that you've forgotten about something vital, and you can focus on just completing one task then moving on to the next.
But when you're looking at something you care about, or when you're just suspicious, isn't it worth taking a little extra time to check just a bit further?
Or just get together with someone you love and talk about something else entirely, just to take your mind off whatever is haunting you, give it a break.
You may or may not know something about who they were, but just try and think how important everything must have seemed to them.
You may or may not know something about who they were, but just try and think how important everything must have seemed to them.