What a delicious thing it would have been for that little old woman to die just then.
Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?
A hug is, just like smiling, a simple physical thing that can make anyone feel a little better. People love hugs.
Imagine if everyone thought that they could make a difference and everyone did just one little thing, changed one little habit, or made one different choice.
One little thing that is a bit subtle is that we bother to match \ \ 2 — which looking above is just a whitespace character.
有一件事比较麻烦,那就是匹配\ \2——它看上去就是一个空格字符。
"Why is it," Jonathan puzzled, "that the hardest thing in the world is to convince a bird that he is free, and that he can prove it for himself if he'd just spend a little time practicing?"
I know that may seem like a surprising thing to say when I've just sort of gone on my little gleeful amount about how I'm going to fail all of you, but it's worth my saying you guys are so smart.
It's just that everything they did, everything even when they just had one little thing, maybe not necessarily even in business, they were, I don't know, delivering newspapers.
The very interesting thing here is that a lot of managers think loyal customers will always buy their products and that changing the logo a little won't matter because it's just an aesthetic issue.
“If you had just a little knowledge and some baling wire and bob pins, you could keep the thing going, ” she said of the Model T. “It was the little car that made America.”
Maybe you make them a drink while you are up, or you throw a load of their laundry in the wash - any little thing that you can do just to show them that they are special and worth it to you.
I believe there is no escape from the rule of life that we must do many, many little things to accomplish even just one big thing.
It's just another little interactive psychological thing that we use to poke 'em.
It is not certainly that I have not required you, I just think of our future. I did not talk to the little thing of that trifles!
I am sure many of you can tell that I am just a little frustrated with a couple of tour executives who don't ever listen to the players and want to do their own thing.
The great thing about Boots (the stores in Bangkok where I fly down to do some shopping every month anyway) is that they always have products on sale which just adds to the appeal. I digress a little.
The great thing about Boots (the stores in Bangkok where I fly down to do some shopping every month anyway) is that they always have products on sale which just adds to the appeal. I digress a little.