He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.
Principles of openness, justice and fairness;
Shendu can make for the realization of justice and fairness in social network.
First of all, he should trust his parents and believe justice and fairness of nature.
In addition, the rampancy of such cheating is undermining the principles of social justice and fairness.
On the other hand, the limitation on the scope and amount of compensation by law embodies justice and fairness.
It will be especially frustrating because you will be talking about issues of justice and fairness that are very important.
It is also the central issue in the lawsuit, without which there is no possibility to ensure the justice and fairness of the law.
People's procuratorates should strictly perform their supervisory duties so as to ensure the justice and fairness of penalty changes.
Consumer make a choice, enjoy a service, pay corresponding fee at the same time, this is the convention that all industries exist, also be special justice and fairness.
Article 4 the transaction of titles shall abide by the principles of voluntariness and good faith, equal competition, equal value and mutual benefit, justice and fairness.
When there is a conflict for interests between different shareholders, legislators usually pay more attention to the interests of minority shareholder, for the consideration of justice and fairness.
Words degraded to the margin have been justice, fairness, tolerance, proportionality and accountability.
As I said at the beginning, Shared responsibility, solidarity, and a commitment to fairness and social justice are among the most important qualities for health leadership today.
When a health system strives for universal coverage, it articulates a value system, driven by fairness, social justice, and respect for the needs and aspirations of all people.
Second, Shared responsibility, solidarity, and a commitment to fairness and social justice are among the most important qualities for health leadership today.
“The fairness and justice of our exams are the basis of our institution,” said Zenta Uchida, a spokesman for Waseda.
And thank you, ministries of health in this region, for your unwavering commitment to equity, fairness, and social justice, to prevention as well as cure.
We are here in a quest for objectivity, fairness and justice, an organiser.
Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others.
"The fairness and justice of our exams are the basis of our institution," said Zenta Uchida, a spokesman for Waseda.
Fairness and justice is the fairness of the judicial activities test the sole criterion.
Ancient western thoughts of harmony consist of fairness and justice, public interests of citizens, restriction of monarch abusing authority, etc.
Banlancing justice with mercy and fairness with commonsense.
Disregard of corporate personality system reflects law's pursuit for fairness and justice in essence.
Therefore the regulations about the limits of validity of contract clauses should be added according to legal fairness and substantial justice.
His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words.
His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words.