The procedure justice and the lawsuit efficiency are the aims that law systems pursue. So the organic combination of impartiality and efficiency is the complete value orientation of judicature.
The basic function of judicature is to let social justice prevail through "the application of rules", or, "going by precedents".
Function of procedural justice of criminal judicature lies in the correction of intrinsic defects present in the criminal law as an entity law.
Judicial justice is not only an important part of social justice but also the goal of judicature. It covers the whole judicial behavior and judicial procedure.
Judicature is the last line of defence to justice, and is the protection ex post facto to citizens environmental right.
Judicature trial is one of the main forms of realizing social just. Judicature just is also one of the most important attribute of social justice.
Themorality and conduct of law-executor and judicature, which is the important guarantee to theimplementation of the law, directly influenceing the justice.
Themorality and conduct of law-executor and judicature, which is the important guarantee to theimplementation of the law, directly influenceing the justice.