In Karlovy Vary there are 12 hot springs that are used for various spa treatments, which include mostly drinking cures and baths.
The Embassy's restaurant is one of the oldest in Karlovy Vary and is famous for its Czech and international cuisine and its historical interior.
TheEmbassy的餐厅是Karlovy Vary最老的餐厅之一,以捷克料理、国际菜肴和历史悠久的室内装饰而闻名。
At first, the two players in the western Czech city of Karlovy Vary thought it was funny when both of their hands became trapped inside the table.
据Lidove Noviny日报称一开始来自捷克西部城市Karlovy Vary的两名台球玩家觉得他们的手都被卡在了台球桌上是一件滑稽的事情。
Between 1981 and 1992, he was employed in the Institute of Housing and Clothing Culture in Prague, while at the same time he continued his work for the porcelain producer in Karlovy Vary.
Between 1981 and 1992, he was employed in the Institute of Housing and Clothing Culture in Prague, while at the same time he continued his work for the porcelain producer in Karlovy Vary.