Even today the Gitga'at and Kitasoo/Xai'xais people keep a watchful eye on their bears during hunting season.
From that booth the men could watch the crowd at the pool tables and keep a watchful eye on Alexi near the cash register, and Nicolo drawing beers behind the bar.
Another reason is that they may have spent most of their life's savings paying for the wedding of their only child and therefore inevitably keep a watchful eye on their subsequent family life.
Usually, both tasks require oodles of Windows tiled on screen to keep a watchful eye-perhaps tail in one window, less in another window, and a command prompt in yet another.
Although you can access your work servers at home across a virtual private network, never forget that your company will keep its watchful eye on your productivity levels.
Although you can access your work servers at home across a virtual private network, never forget that your company will keep its watchful eye on your productivity levels.