In ancient China, hand fans were almost the only ones to help people keep cool.
In order to describe human beings, he should keep the palm of his hand at a right angle to the floor.
She retired last year but still teaches the odd class to keep her hand in.
To make it easier to get in touch with us, you'd better keep this card at hand.
My mother was so touched by her gesture that she decided to go back to the store and give the cashier a five-dollar bill to keep on hand in case the same happened to someone else if they didn't have enough money for all of their groceries.
Grant gently put her hand in his, trying to keep her mind off the pain by keeping asking her questions.
Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kill it.
Hearing this, the shoemaker ran out of doors in his shirtsleeves, and looked up at his roof, and had to hold his hand in front of his eyes to keep the sun from blinding him.
Still, there's no guarantee that a bout of hand-washing will stave off post-decision remorse in the long run - though it will probably help keep you from catching a cold.
We keep spare clothes and sick bags (as well as games and books) in the hand luggage, but when we can, we take the train, boat or plane instead.
Anyone who does otherwise, either out of timidity or because of bad advice, is always obliged to keep his knife in his hand.
My friends and family keep trying to set me up - women hand me their Numbers at bars - but they fail so miserably in comparison with her.
If you have a mortgage, he says, keep cash on hand equal to about 20% of your outstanding mortgage principal balance plus whatever you need in the cash Kitty.
But staying in Arkansas also had another big benefit: it helped our young staff keep focused on the work at hand.
So far, the all-important lesson would seem to be: have sufficient emergency power at hand to keep cooling water circulating in the reactors to prevent a meltdown.
Customer service. Quality control. I like to keep a hand in all our theaters of engagement.
By the big picture, I mean let's keep the same matrix on the left, but in addition, we have a difference right hand side.
We keep spare clothes and sick bags (as well as games and books) in the hand luggage, but when we can we take the train, boat or plane instead.
On the other hand, the Virgo man needs to keep his critical nature in check.
Tobacco companies sponsor sports and entertainment events, hand out branded items and organize numerous popular promotional activities in an attempt to win and keep their customers.
On the other hand, having a TV in your bedroom is arguably a distraction that can keep you awake at night, so the preference would be not to have it in your bedroom at all.
Freeman knows this and is working out a system to keep time-strapped customers in a line separate from coffee drinkers who can wait for that pot of siphon coffee or the hand-pour.
Keep some healthy snacks on hand when coworkers start bringing in holiday treats. These treats are always tasty but rarely healthy.
They are also anxious to keep cash on hand in case Europe's debt troubles lead to a new market freeze.
Both seem somewhat nervous - he with his left arm crossing his body and fingers slightly rounded in a closed position - and her with her left hand elevated as if to keep harm at bay.
As you can see in the example above, you will generally want to keep the pinky and ring fingers closest to the camera, as this is the smaller and thinner side of the hand.
I took her hand in mine, and bid her be composed: for a succession of shudders convulsed her frame, and she would keep straining her gaze towards the glass.
Use hand lotion to keep your hair from getting too frizzy in the heat.
Use hand lotion to keep your hair from getting too frizzy in the heat.