They had advised us to keep it a secret, but we wanted it out in the open.
The child I won't have will keep sleeping, curled in a secret corner of my mind.
It's no secret that software is becoming increasingly complex and that we are seeing additional layers added to systems in an effort to keep software components modular.
This process most distillers like to keep secret, as it is the first step in developing a characteristic flavour.
Open source has helped people realize that there comes a point where you no longer need to keep your source code secret in order to succeed financially.
The Dunnings somehow managed to keep the fact that the King of Pop was in residence a secret for several months.
NATO sources told TIME that France is not alone in withholding information about nuclear-armed submarines — the Brits and Americans keep the locations of their strategic deterrents secret too.
The child I won’t have will keep sleeping, curled in a secret corner of my mind.
Tax official: can you explain you conditions in detail? I have an obligation to keep secret for the taxpayer.
Instead, Collins got them to give him a ride in the opposite direction, by telling them the plane had a nuclear weapon on board—a prearranged cover story to keep the Area 51 craft a secret.
Described as' one of the most important WWII finds in recent history ', the location of the Lockheed P38 Lightning has been kept a secret to keep the amazing find safe.
The police authorities earmarked a total of RMB387,000 in prizes for those providing tips on where suspects are hiding, promising they will keep the identities of the whistleblowers secret.
She had fought valiantly to keep me from knowing her secret. She had been hiding that sore throat for three days at least and lying to her parents in order to escape just such an outcome as this.
Late last night Papakipos Tweeted, "I love that in this busy crazy over-connected world I can still keep a secret among friends."
What's the impact on your family life, your marriage, knowing that this happened to you in your early life and you have chosen to keep it a secret?
Using XML encryption lets you keep your message content secret when operating over any type of connection, even when untrusted intermediaries are involved in the processing.
You'd rather keep your secret than experience one of life's greatest joys — to be loved and accepted in spite of your weaknesses.
Cassim's wife, considering how much it concerned her husband to keep the business secret, was the more easily persuaded to believe her brother-in-law.
If that were not enough, in March this year almost 70% of MEPs voted to keep future expenses secret, though some British, Dutch and Nordic parties have promised that their MEPs will publish accounts.
I now keep the secret to a happy life in mind when selecting topics for research. Editors and conference organizers often invite me to write papers on specific topics of their choosing.
O that thou wouldest hide me in the grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!
Both parties should keep secret to this memorander, it is not allowed to use for other purpose stipulated in the memorander.
Satan wants you to think that your sin and temptation are unique so you must keep them a secret. The truth is, we're all in the same boat.
Keep your password reminders in a secret place that isn't easily visible.
What was it like for him, to keep this secret in order to have some semblance of normality in his life?
So just keep this secret in your hearts.
Similarly, in such a game each player should keep his or her character's Influences secret from the other players.
WS-Security USES XML Encryption to keep message content secret from all but the intended recipient, generally by building on public keys wrapped in digital certificates.
WS - Security使用XMLEncryption保护消息内容不被非目标接收者获取,其方法通常是使用封装在数字证书中的公共密匙。
WS-Security USES XML Encryption to keep message content secret from all but the intended recipient, generally by building on public keys wrapped in digital certificates.
WS - Security使用XMLEncryption保护消息内容不被非目标接收者获取,其方法通常是使用封装在数字证书中的公共密匙。