XML Encryption relies entirely on the XML Digital Signature specification for key exchange.
对于密钥交换XML加密完全依赖于 XML数字签名规范。
The trusted third party vouches for the public key and identifying information by issuing the certificate with its signature.
The recipient of the payload can validate the digital signature using the public key of the sender.
Modification of this variable is key to determining what amount of variability is acceptable during a click-time signature match.
The only way to guarantee that the public key signature is from the owner is for the owner to hand you the key on a disk, in person.
The public key is now available for the provider gateway to use in signature verification.
The process involves the sender generating the message digest, then encrypting the digest using its private key to create the digital signature.
Only the holder of the key could have created the signature component.
The second byte of "01" indicates that this is a private key operation (e.g. it's a signature).
Because a digital signature is based on public key cryptography, it generally takes much more time to compute a digital signature than a MAC.
A signed public key has a digital signature (quite analogous to a human signature) that states that the signer vouches for the public key.
This signature is based on a common IBM master key, which is available only inside IBM.
此数字签名基于公用IBM主控密钥,此密钥仅在 IBM内可用。
The operation signature is changed to accept, in addition to a key, a request template, and then returns a response template.
An XML signature generated from the private key of the sender and affixed to the XML ensures the non-refutability of the sender.
Similarly, with a digital signature the sender of the message signs the message using his or her own private key.
The signature verifier must have access to the public key certificate that contains the public key associated with the private key used to produce the signature.
The signature component of the message (see Listing 6) provides the proof of possession of the Secret Key id.
When Ellie receives the message from Jethro, her Lotus Notes client checks his signature via his digital certificate containing his public key that was published in a directory.
apikey=Qwerty2010×tamp=1261496500" and the signature is the HMAC-SHA256 hash of that string using the private component of the API key.
apikey=Qwerty2010×tamp=1261496500" ”,而签名是应用API密钥的私钥所得到的HMAC-SHA256哈希值。
Each issued U-Prove token contains an unforgeable digital signature of its Issuer on the entire contents, created by the Issuer by applying its private key.
每个发布的U - Prove令牌都包含了发布方关于所有内容的不可伪造的数字签名,这是通过使用它的私钥由发布方创建的。
KeyInfo indicates the key to be used to validate the signature.
The third command creates a 1024-bit Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key (-b 1024 -t dsa), turns off output (-q), and specifies the name of the key and that there is no password.
第三个命令创建了一个 1024位的DigitalSignatureAlgorithm (DSA)密钥(-b 1024-t dsa),关闭输出(-q),指定密钥的名称,在这里不指定密码。
Only the holder of the key can create the signature, whereas anyone with access to the public key (usually taken from an X.509 Certificate) can validate the signature.
只有密匙的持有者能够创建签名,而所有能够访问公共密匙(通过来自 X.509Certificate)的人都可以验证签名。
Two public-key cryptography algorithms that are widely used are RSA (named after its inventors Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm).
两个广泛使用的公钥加密算法是RSA(根据其发明者Rivest、Shamir和Adleman 命名)和DSA(数字签名算法)。
Verification of the signature is a key in any signature-based form implementation.
However, the roles of X.509 key pairs are reversed for digital signature and encryption.
然而,用于数字签名和加密的X . 509密钥对的角色是颠倒的。
The output is likely to continue with a message to the effect that the key is not certified with a trusted signature.
One way to demonstrate authorized use of a security token is to include a digital signature using the associated secret key (from a proof-of-possession token).
This section describes the process of generating the public-private key pair, which is the basis for encryption and digital signature.
The receiver uses the sender's corresponding public key to verify the digital signature.