They park in the back lot of the theater. Samuel takes the key from the ignition and looks over at Adie's hand zipping and unzipping her purse.
The technology of ignition and flame spreading is one of key technology of charge design in large caliber guns, which almost chose center core igniter system.
Elderly couple Faye and Bill Walker and their son, who was in a wheelchair, had their car packed, key in the ignition and family dog in the back.
The ignition key must be in the key cylinder for cylinder removal.
I put the key into the ignition, and wonder if, on the way home, someone will cross in front of my car and our eyes will meet and we will just know.
This paper gives emphasis to structure, performance, key point of design and key link of operation of an ignition device over bed in fluidized bed boiler.
In situ combustion is an important method for thermal recovery of viscous oil reservoir, the key of success is sand face ignition.
At some point you'll have to put the key in the ignition, start the engine, and push the pedal. You can't do that with your mind.
The key technologies in operation of plasma ignition system were analyzed; in addition, the precautions for oil-free operation and ESP start-up before ignition were presented.
However, once the natural gas explodes in the ignition procedure, its detonation injury scope, destruction scope and the accepted risk scope become the key points of ignition decision.
For example, if you were to design an icon which tells the user it switches something on or off, which form would you chose: a light switch on the wall, or a key in an ignition lock of a car?
The heat accumulation plays key role in coal self-ignition.
If you park in a commercial lot or garage, leave only the ignition key with the attendant.
If you park in a commercial lot or garage, leave only the ignition key with the attendant.