This scheme not only supports secret key management and identity authentication of personnel and equipment, but also constructs secret key management center and manages encrypted key of the system.
The device with global positioning system (GPS) localization and communication with monitor and control center on construction machinery is a key equipment for construction machinery group management.
The key to build client relationship management is to set up a client service center.
The distributed key management system based on binary tree is divided into the key management system of one key center and the key management system of multi - layer binary tree.
Ca authentication center provides highly intensive encipher algorithm, highly liable security mechanism and management strategy, automatic generating key and certificate management.
The present paper focused on the key factors in the management of animal laboratory center. The suitable management process was established and its effect was evaluated and analyzed.
The Call Center is the main platform of the Service Outsoursing Industry, and the key of the Call Center's management depends on the quality of the operator.
For multiple targets in clutter, there is a complex connection among the tracks from multiple sensors. It is track management in fusion center with multiple sensors that becomes a key problem.
The management center is one of the key construction projects of CBD with all development procedures and the right to develop obtained.
The management center is one of the key construction projects of CBD with all development procedures and the right to develop obtained.