Now the modulation — change of key from major to back to minor as the cortege will start up again and then we — a nice clarinet sound there and here comes our cortege with the bass.
Afraid that he will be punished for making a mistake, an employee working on the assembly line in a high-volume manufacturing facility ignores a “minor” production flaw in one of your key products.
Mr Roberts shows boyish pleasure and admiration at the great feats of arms he describes. But the underlying tones of this magnificent book are in a minor key: furious sorrow at the waste of it all.
And they got in this habit of, every time they had a bright, happy text, they'd set this in one kind of mode or key-- a major mode--and every time they had a sad one, they'd set it in minor.
Vibration is a key factor of intersatellite optical communication, even a minor vibration of the pointing system on one satellite can dramatically degrade the network performance.
But, most important, they are happening right now in front of me-miracles 37 in a minor key.
One of the key assignments is to write down the Top 10 Reasons to Learn English Well, and review them every half a month and then make some minor modifications every one or two months.
One of the key assignments is to write down the Top 10 Reasons to Learn English Well, and review them every half a month and then make some minor modifications every one or two months.