Additionally, the process of rebalancing shards should be an offline process due to key rebalancing as the physical infrastructure is modified.
During this process of producing a physical design, the two key elements are table design and index design.
The two key techniques of milling process simulation, i. e. geometric simulation technique and physical simulation technique, are summarized and analyzed in this paper.
Hot pressing is the key of flakeboard production. During the process it determines the final physical and mechanical properties and the production line capability.
In the process of grinding, the grinding force is a key physical parameter, generally reflecting properties and state of material, and the characteristics of grinding wheel and abrasion state.
In NC machining process, the geometric and physical simulation of NC codes can quickly verify the correctness of the codes and help optimize the selection of key parameters.
As most physical signals in the nature are analog signals, the conversion from analog signals to digital signals has become the key step in the process of signal processing and analysis control.
Owing to the anti-nutrition factors in THD soya, proper heat process and physical process are the key to the development and application of soya bean as a nutritious and healthy product.
Owing to the anti-nutrition factors in THD soya, proper heat process and physical process are the key to the development and application of soya bean as a nutritious and healthy product.