The key point here is that Shiro's API is largely intuitive because it reflects the natural tendency for developers to think in 'per-user' security control.
At that point, typing the Control-p key combination writes the contents of the screen to your output file.
此时,键入Control - p组合键,将屏幕内容写到输出文件。
The key to an EGR system is introduced, and the control of exhaust gas quantity recirculation quantity of that in every point at best.
Although Small satellite is not so complex, the research on new technology in satellite is paid more attention to while temperature control and management of bus data transmission is the key point.
The math model and control system design after modeling are the base and key point to process control system analyses, design, debug and obtain the higher control quality.
Due to the inherent nonlinearities and instability of the electromagnetic suspension system, suspension control is key point. So it is needed active control in order to keep steady suspension.
Procedure quality, the smallest unit of forming project quality, is the basic tache to form project quality and the key point to spot quality control.
The key point of designing coaxial nozzle is how to acquire the steady airstream, which can be used to control the plasma and protect the molten pool at high temperature at the same time.
The key to removing impure ion from bittern is to define each purifying control point and to choose a most suitable purifying way.
According to the performance of the liquid hydrocarbon farm, its key point of the automation design in aspect of control scheme instrument selection, configuration and installation are described.
The internal control system must subject to the aim and task of accounting in colleges, and the key point is the safety of fund, especially the monetary fund.
Then the author presents the means on how to design the control point of files, information and quality recorders, and the key problems and the control means of the control point setting.
To exactly calculating the build rate of building motor assemblies and others is a key point of correct prediction and control for bit trajectory in horizontal drilling.
The engineering practice shows that it is a key-point to choose control strategy and supper-vision control information platform in realization of complicated process control.
The cost control and analysis is the key point to minimize the expense and excavate "the third profits source".
The way of data transfer in DMA mode, control method of logical programmable device and design of driver program are discussed to solve the key point of sequential transmission.
The key point to prevent special group commit crime is to control or crush the crime chains.
Inventory management is the key point to control the materials cost.
Conclusion It is the key point to prevent AKI that pay more attention to control and intervene the risk factors of elder CKD patients.
A key concept pervasive in Multi-point MAC Control is the ability to arbitrate a single transmitter out of a plurality of ONUs.
It is pointed out that the key point of correct application of pesticide is operator's quality. In the paper, major ways to control the disaster are proposed.
It is the key point for ACEG to play good regulation performance, agility and reliability of operation that using appropriate excitation control strategy and excellent excitation power supply.
Then the author presents the means on how to design the control point of files, information and quality recorders, and the key problems and the control mea...
This paper is mainly to do theoretical research, the optimization algorithm and control strategy of the HAPF system are the key point of the research.
本文主要是做理论研究, 研究的重点是HAPF系统的优化算法和控制策略。
A quality control process model based on milestone and process key-point monitoring was presented, and the method to ensure collaborative design quality was also provided.
Chart 4 gives a detailed analysis for the maintenance cost control of Air China Southwest Company. It explains how to apply the various theory of maintenance cost control at each key point.
Chart 4 gives a detailed analysis for the maintenance cost control of Air China Southwest Company. It explains how to apply the various theory of maintenance cost control at each key point.