What's more, if some asset in the AWS network also decides to kick the bucket, you can bet that your mission-critical messages won't be lost — they'll still exist on any number of other machines.
而且,如果AWS网络中的一些资产也决定被销毁,您可以确信您的任务关键型消息不会被丢失 —它们将继续存在于任意数量的其他机器上。
I know, for example, that statistically I will kick the proverbial bucket at around 75 years old.
What was the point of all that effort when his uncle would soon kick the bucket and the old boy's house and money would be his?
They keep one plane on permanent standby in case I should kick the bucket.
His heirs were greedily waiting for him to kick the bucket.
Ryan runs to the bucket in agitation, ready for a violent kick.
雷恩兴冲冲的跑到水桶面前,准备他 惊 世一踢!
Ryan runs to the bucket in agitation, ready for a violent kick.
雷恩兴冲冲的跑到水桶面前,准备他 惊 世一踢!