He gave the box a good kick with his foot, and pulled both the roses up.
She's tried to give up smoking but just can't kick the habit.
Dancers have to be very fit because they jump very high and kick their legs up and down.
Don't kick up a row about such trifle.
In the crisp autumn light I love the chance to kick up the golden leaves.
Aborigines kick up dust in a dance at sunset.
These days I only kick up a fuss if a film completely fails to be consistent with itself, or a "science thing" is just completely at odds with its own logic.
Megill and colleagues hope the bot can be used to study Marine life near the shore, where a propeller would kick up too much sediment or get tangled in weeds.
This article will spell out how to find, learn, and use, ostentatious words so other people will kick up their estimates of the level of your intelligence.
Verboten, at least on "bad air" days. They kick up dust.
But I'm lucky - I have terrific clients who understand the value of pulling completely away from work to spend time with your family, kick up your feet and simply relax and recharge.
The Sierra Club is not going to kick up a fuss if Houston or Dallas keeps on growing.
He felt his stomach started to kick up.
So, for example, if you think inflation is going to kick up strongly as early as early 2011, then it makes sense to buy gold and other commodity inflation hedges now.
Wind and waves kick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride -- common table salt -- can permeate the air.
海风掀起海浪,溅起层层浪花,同时还溅起少许氯化纳。 氯化钠就是我们平常吃的食盐,在这过程中氯化钠渗透到空气中。
20the rotors of a landing Blackhawk helicopter kick up dust and debris around Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara at the Shigal district center in Kunar province on Sept. 15.
But it also risks keeping attention focused on the question of how much she knew and when-and why she did not ask more questions or kick up more of a fuss.
The real danger would come from an object more than a kilometer in diameter, which could kick up enough sediment to cause environmental damage and crop failures worldwide.
Do not move about or kick up dust.
A simple 2d physics engine. Drag and throw, launch and kick-up.
What will count now is the spine to see through controversial investigations, however much fuss the grocers and the rest of them kick up.
Be derailed if you discover your man, essential points and he do not kick up a row, like that, can only testify you not having accomplishment very much but can not resolve the basic problem.
Going downhill at speed, it's easy for your tires to kick up rocks or dirt that, if they get in your eyes, will blind you and cause you to run off the trail and into a tree, as often as not.
If I lose my job, I'm certainly going to kick up a big stink about it.
That should do it. ) A stampede of aardvarks kicks up immense amounts of dust, causing our tribe member's asthma to kick up.
Eclipses kick up a lot of cosmic dust and it is hard to see facts, features, and other information.
If a company goes, there are people in every evening overtime, but the kick up a racket, sure to affect their lives.
If a company goes, there are people in every evening overtime, but the kick up a racket, sure to affect their lives.