Kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home.
Although it may be the case for some kids and this is a time of emotional ups and downs, that stereotype certainly is not representative of most teens.
A vast majority of parents trust their kids to use cash wisely for local purchases, so let teens have this same freedom online, where their connected lives are unfolding.
About half of teens who regularly use social networking sites said they've seen pictures of kids drunk, passed out or using drugs on these sites, according to the survey.
Vanished invites kids and teens 11 to 14 to participate in the role of scientific detectives, although older participants can also follow along with special “watcher” accounts.
The report focuses on kids and teens, for obvious reasons-and because hearing loss is occurring at younger ages these days, thanks to noise exposure.
Dmoz: dmoz is an open directory project, where you can search for or edit topics and results for kids and teens, reference materials, business, health, arts and more.
dmoz: dmoz作为一个公开目录项目,你可以在幼儿和青少年、参考材料、商业、健康和艺术等方面搜索或者编辑主题和结果。
Dmoz is an open directory project, where you can search for or edit topics and results for kids and teens, reference materials, business, health, arts and more.
Kids and teens 8 to 18 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games.
When American kids get into their teens, they begin to find out that Santa Claus doesn't really exist.
Today's kids, as the media have reported recently, are far less shy about innocent physical contact like hugging than their parents were as teens.
Researchers followed late talkers into their teens and found the kids were no more likely to be shy, depressed or aggressive than their peers as they grew up.
When I was a kid, the phrase "peer pressure" was popular - kids and teens often do stupid things because their friends are encouraging them.
Yulia and Lena, the two teens from Moscow used to sing together in a kids-band called "Neposedi".
But some parents feel nervous about leaving their kids with a teenager, since teens don't exactly have a reputation for being the most responsible group.
The study, based on a survey of more than 20, 000 kids, challenges conventional wisdom that says teens engage in risky behavior because they think they're invulnerable to harm.
这项研究的数据来自于一项对超过二万名儿童的调查报告。 这项研究向传统的思维发出挑战。
Kids and teens can do yoga for the same reasons grown-ups do: because it feels good to stretchout your body, slow down your breathing, and relax your mind.
But eventually, kids grow up and become teens.
Along the way I stopped and briefly chatted with kids and teens and took photos. This was the highlight of my double Boston Marathon journey.
S. children and teens take vitamins, even though most of those taking the pills are healthy, active kids who probably don't need them, a new study suggests.
'Parents don't have as much leverage' with tweens and teens, says Dr. Verduin. 'Kids don't care as much what the parents think about them.
A recent survey of 1,000 teens sponsored by brokerage Charles Schwab found that while parents talk to their kids about money, the chats aren't teaching the specifics.
Teen Talk English – learn the proper way of speaking and posh words native kids use from our experienced and enthusiastic foreign teachers. Topics cover everything that is to the teens' interests.
流行青少年口语 – 教科书之外的地道口语课程,围绕东西方青少年感兴趣的一切话题,和外教面对面感受来自异国的热情与文化的碰撞。
Since peer relationships are so strong and important during the teens years, putting delinquent kids with other (possibly more) delinquent kids together can escalate the problem.
Since peer relationships are so strong and important during the teens years, putting delinquent kids with other (possibly more) delinquent kids together can escalate the problem.