The monkeys used in those experiments had previously been immunized with a vaccine made from killed infected cells.
In an inactivated vaccine, the coronaviruses are already killed or made into the ones unable to produce more new viruses.
Most of the world's flu vaccine is a killed virus, given as an injection; Europe's Sanofi Pasteur and Novartis are leading producers that use this approach.
No one is entirely sure why the vaccine caused guillain-barre syndrome, but it affected more than 500 people and killed about 25. (the feared swine flu epidemic never materialized that year.)
It contains the whole, killed pandemic virus, not a vaccine virus with pandemic proteins, and the virus is grown in cells rather than eggs - making it safe for people with egg allergy.
In the meantime, the vaccine-both the killed version that is injected and the attenuated live version that is given as a nasal spray-is being rationed to those reckoned most in need.
MERS is considered deadlier than SARS, which killed hundreds of people in Asia in 2003, and there is currently no vaccine or treatment plan for the virus.
It is felt the killed vaccine either neutralize the remaining maternal antibody or just more easily starts the development of immunity.
It is felt the killed vaccine either neutralize the remaining maternal antibody or just more easily starts the development of immunity.