He represents Cambridge University, the alma mater, where Edward King and John Milton had been students.
Both Martin Luther King and John Kennedy appealed to the idea that humans can transcend what were once considered inherent limitations.
Among the wedding guests were English football star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, British Prime Minister David Cameron, the king of Norway and singer Elton John.
Our common ancestor was King John.
But even during its height, critics such as Chaucer characterized alchemists as charlatans, and it was banned by Pope John XXII and King Henry IV.
Mr King once aspired to making central banking boring; John Maynard Keynes hoped economists might become humble technicians, like dentists.
It ends with a 1519 portrait of King Francis I as Saint John the Baptist.
Electronic catalogue This patent for a "system for ordering items using an electronic catalogue" was issued to IBM inventors John King and John Nilsen June 7, 1994.
专利“电子目录订购系统”是由IBM发明家John King和JohnNilsen于1994年6月7日发布。
By the time of her death she had outlived all of her children except for King John and Queen Leonora.
It was a shook to you to find that England has not been ruled by sovereigns since 1215, since the reign of King John.
English Barons forced King John I to sign the document in 1215.
The popular image of John is of a classically bad king: a scheming, untrustworthy coward consumed by greed, whose rapaciousness drove his subjects to impose their will upon him.
"No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus," Education Secretary John King Jr. said in a statement.
The wide circumference of an elaborate ruff, beneath his grey beard, in the antiquated fashion of King James' reign, caused his head to look not a little like that of John the Baptist in a charger.
John King Fairbank believed that such an institutional and cultural continuity might have generated a powerful inertia that adhered to the established rules.
John pleaded a pardon secretly obtained form the King in bar of the prosecution.
The statue of King John is in the centre of the square.
This is based off a Stephen King novella and stars Johnny Depp and John Turturro.
Their common ancestor is John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and son of the 14th-century King Edward III of England.
Their common ancestor is John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and son of the 14th-century King Edward III of England.