"A sharp knife edge." The knife says.
'After several attempts trying to twiddle the cheese into submission, he grabbed his knife and, samurai style, sliced through it,' says Ms. Schwartz.
Morse says he's certain that that is not Einstein's brain under Dr. Harvey's knife in this never-before-seen picture.
"It was like being stabbed with a knife, " Sandra says now.
But Polce says she can't understand why the officers found it necessary to kill her son, who she describes as 5 '3 "tall, 118 pounds and armed with only a folding pocket knife."
"He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it," says Cool.
PRISSY: Ma says that if you puts a knife under the bed it cuts the pain in two.
PRISSY: Ma says that if you puts a knife under the bed it cuts the pain in two.