He possessed the only known samples of these strains, and he patented his revivification process to further cement his control over them.
Researchers mixed the samples with antibodies that bound to four known cancer-related proteins.
Known as "neutron activation," the technology provides precise results, even on tiny samples.
The regolith was analysed by a chemistry set known as the Microscopy, Electrochemistry and Conductivity Analyser, which contains so much water itself that it cannot detect the stuff in samples.
The only known samples of the virus are stored in two secure laboratories approved by WHO (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA and Vector, Kostsovo, Russian Federation).
But over the past decade, scientists in Italy and Denmark sent three expeditions to fetch samples from sediment in what's known as a deep hypersaline anoxic basin in the Mediterranean.
The bronchial samples consisted mainly of what are known as epithelial cells, and with these it was just a question of multiplying their Numbers.
In the study, the test was performed on tumor samples from a trial that took place some years ago, so it was already known which patients suffered relapses.
The researchers examined urine samples from the subjects and tried to figure out if a biologic marker known as NNAL could predict cases of lung cancer.
In a few samples, the team found Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, which can lead to severe infections, even on the surface of the skin.
Samples from the girl are inadequate for testing, and the cause of her death will probably never be known with certainty.
Taken together, the samples contained 101 known bacterial genera, 39 of them newly found in the mouth, the team reports today in Genome Research.
Rather the detection limit is shown to be sufficiently low by the analysis of samples with known concentrations of analyte above and below the required detection level.
Blood samples showed that the CETP gene, already known to treble-the odds of living to 100, also cut the odds of dementia by 70 per cent.
So if you need to try samples, all you need to do is let them known as they can make exceptions to the suggested minimums.
Whatever method is used the detection limit should be subsequently validated by the analysis of a suitable number of samples known to be near or prepared at the detection limit.
Whatever method is used the quantitation limit should be subsequently validated by the analysis of a suitable number of samples known to be near or prepared at the quantitation limit.
Deaths from respiratory illness are known to have occurred in late July and early August, but no samples were taken and medical records are generally poor.
Other handwriting samples corroborated what is already known about historical figures.
This can be accomplished by analysis of replicate sets of analyte samples of known concentrations QC samples from an equivalent biological matrix.
Their genetic testing of the samples showed all known P. falciparum parasites originated from P. reichenowi.
We recommend that these samples span a level of positivity with QC samples having a known negative, low, medium, and high reactivity in the assay.
In the case of quantitative analysis of impurities accuracy should be assessed on samples (of drug substance or drug product) spiked with known amount of impurities.
Three samples consisted of standard or quasi-standard substances with known specific activities of some nuclides while the radioactivity of the other sample was unknown.
The ANN model of the dangerous degree classification also trained by random selected enough samples in the range of known parameters.
To find out, they took samples of DNA from about 100 people and then subjected these people to what is known as the dot-probe paradigm test to see how they reacted to different stimuli.
To find out, they took samples of DNA from about 100 people and then subjected these people to what is known as the dot-probe paradigm test to see how they reacted to different stimuli.