These words must have given Tomoji Kondo a bright idea.
"My dream is to organize the world," Kondo said as she wrapped up her talk.
What distinguishes Mr Kondo, however, is that he seems poised to succeed in this goal.
Kondo Yoshifumi San, you passed away so suddenly. I can not accept such an injustice.
" listen ", Hayao Miyazaki Kondo Kifumi's animation, a girl first love and love story.
《侧耳倾听》,宫崎骏编剧近藤喜文导演的动画,一个少女初恋和成长的故事。 。
WEEK LATER I was on another assignment, still using the same notebook from the Kondo story.
When she enters a new home, Kondo says, she sits down in the middle of the floor to greet the space.
The present results are compared with that obtained by using the approximate formula of Kondo et al.
Bishop Ezikiel Kondo, chairman of the school council, said: "the thing may be very simple, but they just may make it bigger."
Kondo, who have ably assisted me for the continue tgoy ages, and have be connected with the firm from the date of its establishment.
The peculiar TMR line-shape observed here may serve as a more effective tool to explore the Kondo-resonance features in practical systems.
Joy points upward, according to Marie Kondo, whose name is now a verb and whose nickname is being trademarked and whose life has become a philosophy.
据近藤麻理惠(Marie Kondo)讲,愉悦是向上的力量。她的名字现在成了一个动词,她的昵称正被注册成商标,她的生活方式变成了一种哲学。
Other MIT authors are graduate students Michael Boyer and Kamalesh Chatterjee, postdoctoral associate Yayu Wang, and former postdoctoral associate Takeshi Kondo.
Kondo o's study collaborates another forest service study conducted by researcher Morgan Grove on the link between lawn care and crime in downtown Baltimore.
THE LAST TIME I saw Marie Kondo, we were in a hotel room in Midtown, a different one, and still the only visible objects in it were that metal suitcase and her husband's laptop.
我上一次见到近藤麻里惠是在中城的一家酒店房间。 不是同一个房间。 但房间里能看到的唯一几件物品还是只有她的金属旅行箱,还有她丈夫的笔记本电脑。
The mammoth calculation nearly came to grief on more than one occasion, Mr Kondo said, including one morning when his daughter tripped a circuit breaker when she turned a hair dryer on.
Shigeru Kondo, a 55-year-old systems engineer for a food company based in northern Japan, easily surpassed the previous record of 2.7 trillion digits, set late last year by a French engineer.
Meet Marie Kondo on steroids: the self-help guru James Altucher, who found happiness, in part, by whittling down his worldly possessions to 15 items, which he totes around in a carry-on.
见识一下加强版的近藤麻里绘(Marie Kondo)吧:励志导师詹姆斯·阿尔图切(JamesAltucher)发现了幸福,部分是通过把自己世俗的财产削减到15样东西,放进一个随身携带的包里。
Both the Kondo resonance and the spin-splitting of the single electron levels can be controlled by internal magnetization of the electrodes, which can be used to generate a spin-valve effect.
Mr Kondo was also forced to remove casings from the computer and blow cool air onto the machine with fans as the temperature in his home rose to 40 degrees in the hottest Japanese summer since 1946.
Mr Kondo was also forced to remove casings from the computer and blow cool air onto the machine with fans as the temperature in his home rose to 40 degrees in the hottest Japanese summer since 1946.