They are unwilling “pioneers of gentrification,” says Mr Kuhn.
Kuhn pointed out the problem of the blind spot of a model.
Kuhn (1962) suggested looking at how companies habitually act.
But Kuhn helps explain the fierce attachment people develop to ways of doing things.
The philosophers Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn would go further (perhaps Kuhn a bit too far).
"It degenerated into such a farce it looked like a 'Saturday Night Live' skit," Kuhn said.
NPR's Anthony Kuhn reports the last of the 1600 strong force have pulled out of East Timor as their mission winds down.
Kuhn can point no major science in which paradigm monopoly has been the rule, nor in which foundational debate has been questioned.
It is argued that whether it is proper for the Kuhn 'paradigm, as a theory of philosophy of science, to be used for testing economics.
Kuhn theory of "paradigm", that could not interfere with utilizing it in law researches by using the useful and discarding the useless.
They needed water to survive, " says Brian Kuhn, a zoologist from the Johannesburg university—called Wits for short—who works at the Malapa site.
它们需要水才能生存,”来自约翰内斯堡维特沃斯特兰德大学的动物学家、在马拉帕遗址工作的布莱恩·库恩(Brian Kuhn)说。
When Kuhn prompts us that incommensurability can not translate, we have found the communication spot between incommensurability and cultural.
According to Kuhn, scientists should not and usually do not give up their paradigms when confronted with a single or even a number of anomalies.
When I started as an energy client coverage investment banker at Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb in 1980, the personal computer had yet to be invented.
1980年,我正式进入投资银行业,开始负责雷曼兄弟库恩·洛布公司(Lehman BrothersKuhnLoeb)的能源客户业务。当时,个人计算机还没有出现。
Laudan, another philosopher of science, observes that we cannot square that which Kuhn and Lakatos describe with what we know about the evolution of science.
Kuhn insists that the people who create new models that challenge the prevailing paradigm are invariably new to the field or are working in other fields.
Kuhn cites another study that shows that enlargement of the nearby 'dorsal striatum' enables people to perform better in video games, taking quicker decisions.
After the paradigm theory of Kuhn was introduced to the fields of social science, it had been widely applied, especially in the public administration field.
The infection capacity of the teliospores of Tilletia controversa Kuhn was studied in a joint research by Chinese and USA phytopathologists at Logan, Utah, USA.
At this point, Thomas Kuhn denies that Qunine's translation-pamphlet could resolve the obstacles of communicability and comparability between incommensurable theories.
The paper establishes the incentive model to coordinate the contradiction by presenting stocks or bonus options to entrepreneur and simplifies it by Kuhn Tucker theory.
The paper establishes the incentive model to coordinate the contradiction by presenting stocks or bonus options to entrepreneur and simplifies it by Kuhn Tucker theory.