For those of you Breadstix patrons who don't know who I am, I'm Kurt Hummel, and welcome to my first ever Lonely Hearts Club dinner.
餐厅里可能有人不认识我,说下我是Kurt Hummel,欢迎大家来参与我的第一个寂寞芳心俱乐部晚餐。
In a recent episode, character Kurt Hummel broke down in tears after being elected prom queen by unsympathetic classmates, but then accepted the honor with dignity.
在最近一集中,一名叫科特·哈默尔德(Kurt Hummel )的男性角色被毫无同情心的同学选为高中毕业舞会的“花魁”而涕泪俱下,但随后鼓起尊严欣然接受了这一荣誉。
In a recent episode, character Kurt Hummel broke down in tears after being elected prom queen by unsympathetic classmates, but then accepted the honor with dignity.
在最近一集中,一名叫科特·哈默尔德(Kurt Hummel )的男性角色被毫无同情心的同学选为高中毕业舞会的“花魁”而涕泪俱下,但随后鼓起尊严欣然接受了这一荣誉。