Kyodo News Agency of Japan: I have two questions.
Cabinet members endorsed the statement, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported.
Kyodo news has more than 50 news-gathering bases in Japan and another 42 abroad.
They died of bleeding from multiple head wounds, Japan's Kyodo news agency reported.
It was powerful enough to blow the roof and walls off a building, the Kyodo news agency reported.
The result was better than Kyodo news agency's average market forecast of an annualized 2.2 percent decline.
But later Kyodo news agency quoted Tepco as saying radiation levels around the plant had risen above permissible limits.
Mr. Kato Yasushi graduated from the Literature Department of Kyoto University and then he started to work in Kyodo News.
The Japanese coast guard arrested the Chinese ship captain on suspicion of obstructing public duties, said Kyodo News Agency.
Kyodo News of Japan: What are the opinions and Suggestions put forward by the Chinese delegation during the talks this morning?
In this undated photo released by Kyoto University via Kyodo News, a specimen of endangered Japanese salmon species is on display.
It can easily be removed and is not fixed to the ground, "Kyodo news agency quoted the Osaka High Court as saying in its judgement."
"I have no intention whatsoever of accepting" such a demand, Kyodo News quoted Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan as saying yesterday.
“无论如何我没有意向接受”这样的要求,日本共同社(Kyodo News)援引日本首相菅直人(Naoto Kan)昨天的话。
"I never imagined that there would be a day when this tune would come into the spotlight," Kyodo news agency quoted Asanuma as saying.
It can easily be removed and is not fixed to the ground, "Kyodo news agency quoted the Osaka High Court as saying in its judgement." under.
Kyodo news provides news stories not only to member newspapers but also to more than 10 daily newspaper companies and over 100 private broadcasters.
The boats didn't cross into Japanese territorial waters but the vessels were in Japan's "contiguous zone," according to Japan's Kyodo News Agency.
Most support the emperor's desire to step down - a recent survey by the Kyodo news agency found more than 85% saying abdication should be legalised.
South Korea has detected radioactive cesium in frozen cod imported from Hokkaido, Japan, but the amount didn't exceed official limits, Kyodo News reported.
In a weekend telephone survey of 1, 033 voter households, the Kyodo News agency found that more than half said Hatoyama should step down, while 44% disagreed.
Kyodo news agency report today (Monday) cites sources close to the ongoing talks who say the two sides are expected to announce the deal as early as this week.
Kyodo news agency report today (Monday) cites sources close to the ongoing talks who say the two sides are expected to announce the deal as early as this week.