There was some emotional lability and impulsiveness during the testing.
Fatigue, crapulence and emotional lability are main causes inducing malignant arrhythmias.
The stabilization technologies of natural pigments were introduced based on its characteristics of lability.
Higher glycemic lability index was not independently associated with mortality among subjects with average glucose levels above the median for the cohort.
Objective To discuss the relationship between the lability of the cervical vertebra and the occurring of the sympathetic and the reliability of the diagnosis.
RESULTS: N scores in EPQ in the female infertility patients were higher than those in control group (P<0.01), which showed that the patients had emotional lability.
Pyrethrum possesses some ideal characteristics of environmental compatible chemical pesticide, however its photo lability and expensive price limit its broad use in the field.
The revision on convention of the liability of carrier, transport document and electronic transport records with covering the basis of liability of carrier, scope and duration of the core lability;
The revision on convention of the liability of carrier, transport document and electronic transport records with covering the basis of liability of carrier, scope and duration of the core lability;