In laboratory simulations of challenging activities such as driving, those who felt in control of their lives pumped out lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol.
The laboratory network is providing backup support for situations in which exceptionally precise diagnostic results are important because of the implications for control measures.
WHO is providing inputs to the technical working group to assist with surveillance, early detection, laboratory, case management, prevention and control.
The researchers are working with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop technologies for command and control in emergency situations, such as first response to disasters.
Training in laboratory diagnosis, clinical management, and environmental control is also included.
WHO is working together with laboratory partners to provide comprehensive laboratory services, and to support the MoH in the control and investigation of the outbreak.
The team included epidemiologists, virologists, logisticians and experts in social mobilization, infection control, medical anthropology and laboratory diagnosis.
We've learned a great deal about biologically inspired vehicles that we can apply across the laboratory, including a better understanding of micro-robots and the devices that control their movement.
Ten of these cases have been laboratory confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA.
We can complete its control experiments in the laboratory, and do research on control rules.
Objective to establish a set based on the work flow and the step laboratory monitor quality control target.
A process control alert occurs when a succession of data points shows an atypical pattern that was possibly caused by changes to the laboratory or manufacturing process.
The external quality control method using in the laboratory, included interlaboratory comparison and measurement audit.
Studies of laboratory animals have suggested it also helps control appetite and weight.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Special Pathogen Branch, Atlanta, USA and field laboratory in Luanda, Angola.
Quality Control has a well-equipped laboratory for the physical, analytical and microbiological testing of raw materials, intermediates and Finished API.
Combined with natural gas test work, the quality control method in natural gas chemical laboratory was discussed.
The test laboratory quality control includes internal and external quality control method.
Donors who are already ill may have their plasma collected for use as a positive control for laboratory testing.
The method can be used in any laboratory in salt industry for data calculations, storage, inquiry, statistic analysis and the quality control of edible salt.
Three types of refitting of the gas flow control system of laboratory GC and lots of methods of improving analytical sensitivity of GC are introduced.
But when the cells were grown in a laboratory test tube, those with the mutation grew far faster and formed much larger colonies than control cells without the mutation.
This is the website for State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources.
This is the website for State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources.