Now Xiangyi has became the production base of laboratory instrument in China.
A new type direct shear apparatus was designed as a basic laboratory instrument to solve this problem.
The process of adjusting a measurement to a standard, so that copies of the same type of logging tool or laboratory instrument will read the same.
This paper puts forward some discussion and remedial Suggestions according to the existing problems from the present laboratory instrument management system.
The instrument interface framework, relying on the "plug-in" mechanism, can form an extensive solution and make the LIS become compatible for all the laboratory instruments.
Chemistry in country middle school is poor of all course resource, which is lack of qualified laboratory technical staff, sufficient laboratories, laboratory instrument and chemical reagents.
The invention relates to a coupling system that can particularly be applied for interfacing a consumable component with a sample chamber to a laboratory instrument for processing a sample fluid.
Biopsies are taken by using a specialized instrument to sample tissue. These samples are then sent to the laboratory to be analyzed.
This is the newest instrument inside our laboratory.
Support the procurement, installation, commissioning and validation of new instrument and laboratory Capex project.
Coursework for this degree will include college algebra and calculus, technical writing, instrument calibration, and laboratory techniques.
The following examples of laboratory errors are considered as assignable causes, including but not limited to instrument error, observable error and confirmed observable error.
It carries three instrument packages, one built by the University of Colorado's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and two built by Lockheed Martin in Palo Alto, California.
This paper studies how to establish a network laboratory based on virtual instrument.
Based on the understanding about instrument management work, it is important to improve the management of valuable instruments in science laboratory construction.
Virtual instrument technology is applied to the laboratory of university, and the experiment system of the principle of automatic control was implemented based on virtual instruments.
The instrument is mainly used in small-scale laboratory use powder molding can be used in ceramics, powder metallurgy, cement and other sectors of the product sample preparation.
The instrument is mainly used for laboratory.
By the virtual instrument technology, the establishment applied the brake the laboratory bench.
By use of the instrument, corrodent rate of metal under the soil mediums both on the spot and in the laboratory separately is measured.
The virtual instrument, virtual instrument laboratory and its features and significance are described in this paper.
Finally, the intelligent instrument is taken to laboratory simulation debug and system joint debug.
This Paper introduces a digital temperature measurement and control instrument, Which can be adapted for experimenting, studying and redeveloping in laboratory.
From the view point of construction of specialized laboratory of environment and instrument engineering, the construction of an indoor air quality examination and control laboratory was proposed.
And the research of network virtual experiment instrument model is crucial for the network virtual laboratory.
These units are recommended for use when clean air or inert gas environments are required in laboratory air, process control, instrument and compressed air systems.
Even though such a system is currently available in the laboratory for scientific research, development of this type of instrument in clinical application has not yet been completed.
Through laboratory simulation tests, the procedure and instrument parameters of ultrasonic testing for pipe welds were educed and successfully applied to the high temperature det...
Through laboratory simulation tests, the procedure and instrument parameters of ultrasonic testing for pipe welds were educed and successfully applied to the high temperature det...