The African Union's efforts to make peace are constrained by lack of human resources, material supplies and funding.
However, due to the lack of human resources, we were sent to South Korea when there was urgently in need of teachers.
The emergence of library cultural volunteers can alleviate the pressure for he libraries of the lack of human resources because of the reading promotion.
By building library Witkey Web site, Witkey model reference work, with a view to change the reference in the work of simple duplication, passive service, and the lack of human resources.
However, the current talent management, many problems still exist, leading to these problems are many reasons, including lack of human resources legislation and the lag is the core problem.
But the biggest challenge is the lack of mental health human resources in Rwanda.
Surveillance for additional human and animal cases is presently under way, but is hindered by the country's lack of resources and of epidemiological and laboratory capacities.
Additional major factors affecting people's health and livelihoods are a lack of access to safe drinking water, shortages of drugs and medical supplies and insufficient human resources.
It is pointed out: we are lack of the body building organization management, and human resources of the body building need to be integrated, the location of hardware is not reasonable.
The system can overcome the traditional book sales in the region, advertising, human resources, lack of restrictions, can well meet the demand for online sales.
该系统可以克服传统图书销售中地域、广告宣传、人力资源不足等限制,能很 好地适应网上销售需求。
The work experience I know to my human resources industry, especially the recruitment of class work is very loving, I will work hard to learn, to make up for my lack of a professional.
The human resources management study for research team was still in hazy station, lack of organizational management mode and detailed management methods.
The system can overcome the traditional book sales in the region, advertising, human resources such as lack of restrictions, can be well adapted to the needs of online sales.
In terms of domestic TV media, the management of human resources is not yet perfect, and the effective mechanism of incentive, competition and weeding out is lack.
This syst can overcome the traditional book sales in the region, advertising, human resources, such as lack of restrictions, can be well adapted to the needs of online sales.
Although the content in research is extensive, it is lack of deep thought. Especially there is no systemic research on the human resources development after university combination.
Insufficient funding also results in a lack of technological human resources.
So, speak well of your colleagues and the firm, or human resources will think that you lack maturity and if and when the time comes, you won't be welcome back at the company.
At present, the rural areas of Xinjiang are rich in human resources but lack of talented people, which serious constraints on its economic growth.
However, for general business, because of the lack of technology, capital and human resources has become an anti-trap;
However, for general business, because of the lack of technology, capital and human resources has become an anti-trap;