The fourth factor is the general lack of knowledge of AIDS.
Lack of knowledge of the ideal. Like the birds of the broken wings.
He knew that his apprehension was in part due to his lack of knowledge of Six Sigma.
These descriptions reflect a lack of knowledge of language in general and sign language in particular.
The men are generally lack of knowledge of reproductive heahh and the necessary awareness of heahh care.
This is embodied in the lack of knowledge of objective things and the paranoia in subjective perception of things.
The lack of knowledge of nonverbal communication will give rise to cultural barriers in intercultural communication.
One obstacle to healthy eating at fast food restaurants is the lack of knowledge of the nutritional content of your favorite items.
Learned through the literature review the project design of risk awareness among participants of a weak lack of knowledge of risk;
Denial of illness, or anosognosia, literally lack of knowledge of disease, is a common sequel of the type of brain injury received by Wilson.
However, due to lack of knowledge of cultural differences, many college students fail to achieve this purpose during the actual communicating activities.
However, due to the lack of knowledge of cultural differences, many college students fail to achieve this purpose during the actual communicating activities.
Senior officials in Afghanistan and Pakistan, who resented his abrasive personality and his relative lack of knowledge of the region, kept him at arm's length.
Lack of knowledge of the different parts of the project was identified as something to be improved, and was selected for focus from all topics suggested by team members.
Conclusion Nurse students are lack of knowledge of insulin injection, so hospitals should enhance the training of insulin injection knowledge to improve the injection techniques.
Unless you are in a completely opinionbased philosophy class of some sort, you will not impress your professors with papers that show your lack of knowledge of the assigned readings.
The low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API all contributed to the increase in the number of code lines.
DOMAPI的低级本质、方法和编程模式的不正确应用以及缺乏完整 API 的知识,都会致使代码行数增加。
ERROL MORRIS: in that book, you suggest that anosognosia is not an underlying neurological condition; it's about our lack of knowledge of something caused by an underlying neurological condition.
What contributed to the increase in the number of code lines were the low-level nature of the DOM API, incorrect application of methods and programming patterns, and lack of knowledge of the full API.
That lack of curiosity produces a relative lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compensate for later on.
Don't risk injury or death because of over-confidence or lack of knowledge.
Atheism is an effect of that knowledge, not a lack of knowledge.
Fear of contagion, lack of knowledge that TB can be cured and the failure of communities to discuss the disease openly all play a role in fuelling this fear.
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will.
This, alongside a lack of knowledge about what a bra fitting actually entails, was the reason why 85% of women were wearing the wrong bra size.
Frustrated by the lack of information, some writers have chosen to indulge in conjecture by weaving tales of historical fiction into the knowledge gaps.
Is it due to a lack of knowledge on how to approach BPM in the cloud or the uncertainty and fear of the unknown?
Living with the knowledge of the disease and lack of preventive measures were reasons given for declining.
Living with the knowledge of the disease and lack of preventive measures were reasons given for declining.